How to assemble a new PC

  1. First you want to carefully remove the parts from the box.
  2. when assembling a new desktop, place the main tower (base of PC) where you intend to use it.
  3. Then plug the monitor into the back of the tower.
  4. Now connect the mouse and keyboard the USB port (usually on the front) of the tower aswell.
  5. Then plug your tower into a nearby outlet.
  6. Switch on the computer.
  7. connect the computer to wifi. Here's how!
  8. once connected to wifi, install all NEEDED updates (you'll most likely need to restart your computer once installed).
  9. now you're ready to install all secondary programs. ALWAYS! Start by installing an antivirus.
  10. Once you've installed an antivirus you will most likely want to install a new browser such as: chrome or firefox.
  11. Now it's time to have some fun so go search for some games you'd like to install. :)
  12. Then set up your Printer.
  13. Finally it's time to customize you're computer, go to the settings and go wild!